My name is Saho. I come from Gifu, Japan. Gifu is in the middle of Japan.
My hometown is near Aichi and Mie. There are six people in my family and I have a dog. My family structure is father , parents, grandparents, one
older sister and I. My hobbies are listening to music, reading books, and watching F1. I love rock music. My favorite band is Green Day. I have been writing calligraphy since preschool, so I can write some Chinese characters by brush. In my university, I belong to the orchestra. I started to play the violin last year.
Now I'm studying at the language centre. After my class finishes, I have
to go back to my country and continue my university, but next year, maybe I'll go to Canada to meet my host family. I want to talk to many foreigners. My dream is to be a Japanese language teacher in a foreign country, so I need some languages. I also study French. I love shopping, driving my car and chatting with my friends! Sometimes I go to Mie driving a go kart with my childhood friend and my sister. I always play something!
hey every body . this is Faisal :)