Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tony fancies Melbourne

What places have I always wanted to go to? I always think about that question before I go to bed. I don’t know were you have heard a song about Melbourne. This song talks about a romantic story in Melbourne. So I found a lot of information about Melbourne city. Melbourne is in the south of Australia. It is a beautiful city in the world. Melbournians love the city’s vibrant energy, restaurants, fashion boutiques, café-filled laneways and cool bars. I thought it is also a better shopping place in Australia. If I will go to Melbourne I must see the Opera House, beautiful beaches, shopping centre and a lot of famous cool bars in Melbourne. There are one of the most beautiful beaches there. You can to shopping and much more in Melbourne. So see our website for everything to see and do in the city.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, is this your own writing Tony? Your final sentence makes me wonder...
