Technology is very important in daily life. On the contrary, seven reasons to hate technology, there are many reasons to love technology. Here are four good reasons to love modern technology:
It saves you time and force
It is very difficult to imagine what would happen to our world if technology did not exist. Our world ’s development may be moved back about a hundred years. Nowadays, technology helps you to save your time and your force. In factories, workers just stand and control the machines.
It makes your life more comfortable
Do you want to live in a simple house or a modern house? I think this answer is a modern house. Because modern equipment helps you feel more comfortable with a television, a thermoregulator and more…
It has important roles to discover and conquer the world.
People invent many tools to discover and conquer the world. For example: robots, spacecraft, submarines … and more in the future.
It helps you to easily update information everyday
TV, radio, the Internet, … can provide information for you. Furthermore, you can easily contact with other people. The Internet wipes off all distances. Technology really is a part of people’s lifes. It makes your life more beautiful and happier.
Hung i'm very agree with you. i'm also think the technology is very important in our life.